Monday, February 27, 2012

Preparing to go on mission in Belize

Dear friend:

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ!  I am so excited about the doors God is opening for Youth Education Strategies.   We are busy preparing for an upcoming mission for March 13-20 with Evangelist PaulVick and my father, David Stockwell, to share the Gospel of Christ in Belize.   Paul has been consistently ministering for over 30 years in this small nation that borders Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula.  Our team is scheduled to share the Gospel in more than 20 schools with several thousand students and teachers.  We are also planning multiple street outreaches and a meeting with more than 3,000 inmates at a local prison.  We will also be hosting a training luncheon for local church leaders.  We are anticipating another great project!

I am also very excited that I have been scheduled for my first speaking engagement with a school group here in America.  I will be speaking with students at their Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting at Morton Ranch Junior High School in Katy, Texas on Friday, March 2nd.  I believe God is going to do big things with YES here in the States, and this opportunity has the potential to be a big step toward reaching a lot of American students with the Gospel!

Our recent major project in the Philippines was a great success.  I had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with over 11,500 people, and more than 7,000 said they were committing to give their lives to Christ as LORD and Savior for the rest of their lives.  In total, our team was able to share the Good News with more than 35,000 people, and over 20,000 made professions of faith in Jesus Christ.  We were also able to distribute 35,000 tracts and over 200 New Testaments.

Thank you so much for the continued prayer and support as we minister at home and around the world. Please join us in prayer for open doors to share the Gospel locally and for wisdom, provision, and protection as we minister to the people of Belize.  Many blessings to you in the name of Jesus!

In Christ,
Steve Stockwell
Galatians 2:20