Thursday, April 5, 2012

Great mission in Belize!

Thank you so much for your prayer and support as our team traveled to share the Gospel with the people of the Central American country of Belize!  God worked in mighty ways, and many lives have been permanently impacted.  My father, David Stockwell, and I partnered with Evangelist Paul Vick to share the Gospel in ten schools and four churches with more than 3,000 people.  Many of these individuals made the commitment to turn from their sin and follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. Our team was also able to distribute 2,000 tracts and over 400 New Testaments.

My favorite experience of the project was being able to speak with thirty homeless men and women at a weekly event focused on feeding needy people - body and soul.  They were one of the most receptive groups I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with!  Twelve individuals made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that day.  Then, we shared a delicious meal of Belizean stewed chicken and rice with this hungry group and went on our way with many great memories.

Another unique experience we had was being able to visit pyramids at the site of a Mayan ruin.  Seeing a place where they performed human sacrifices in hopes of appeasing angry gods made me reflect on how happy I am that Jesus offered Himself in my place to make atonement for my many sins.  Also, it is very interesting to consider the well-known Mayan prediction of “the end of the world” on December 21, 2012.  Matthew 24 clearly states that “no one knows the day or hour the Lord will return.”  However, seeing these ruins was a great reminder that Jesus is indeed coming again, and every single day that passes means we are one day closer to His return.  Are you ready?  I know I am!

My goal in life is to share with as many people as possible exactly what they need to do in order to be prepared for the end of this age.  Thank you so much for standing with Youth Education Strategies as we share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.  Please join YES in prayer for guidance and provision as we plan upcoming mission projects in Africa and Asia.

In Christ,Steven Stockwell
Galatians 2:20

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