God wants all Christians to be fishers of men. The world is in a desperate, destructive mess. Nations wage war on each other, and every day people inflict unmentionable cruelty on one another. If we have Jesus in our hearts, we are called to be fishermen, regardless of our background, education or economic position. Some individuals may be more gifted at fishing than we are, but Jesus is looking for those like Peter, James, and John. They knew they were unworthy sinners, yet they were willing to trade their weakness for God’s strength and their stained garments for robes of righteousness.
The apostles were largely uneducated, rough young men, yet God used them to shake the world with the gospel. If God was able to use them in such a way, we can never excuse ourselves from the personal responsibility we have to reach out to the lost. We trick ourselves, and maybe even other people, but we can never deceive the Lord. Each Christian will one day give an account of the way they used, or didn’t use, the talents God gave them.
Now is the time for us to commit ourselves fully to the cause of God, without reservation. If you do this, you will not fail to experience the blessing and presence of God in a sweet and powerful way.
~Brother Yun, Living Water- Fishing Lessons