Saturday, March 22, 2014

Final week in Kenya!

Bwana Asifiwe! ('Praise the Lord' in Swahili) YES has finished our final week of ministry in Kenya! In Vihiga, we were blessed to share the life changing message of Jesus Christ in 28 schools with more than 11,000 precious souls. Thank you once again for your prayer as we completed a wonderful mission in Kenya!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wonderful Second week in Kenya

Greetings from Vihiga, Kenya. Our Youth Education Strategies team has completed a wonderful week of ministry in Migori where we spoke in 28 schools with over 8,000 students and saw over 4,000 professions of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! We have already had a great church service on Sunday and a great Monday and Tuesday in schools. Please pray for God to move mightily in Vihiga during our final three days of ministry.

Friday, March 7, 2014

First week in Kenya

We have finished our first week of ministry in Kenya. We were able to speak in 20 schools with over 6,000 wonderful young people and see more than 3,000 professions of faith in Christ. I will be traveling tomorrow by bus to a city in southwest Kenya called Migori to begin another busy week of ministry. Please keep YES in your prayer!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

First three days in Kenya

Three days done in schools! We have already spoken in 14 schools with over 3,500 students. This is looking like it will easily be our busiest project to date. So, please pray for God to renew our strength daily as we share the life changing message of Jesus Christ here in Kenya!