Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On my way to Zambia!

Greetings in the Mighty Name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support of Youth Education Strategies.  It is time for us to embark on another mission project to southern Africa.  I will be traveling to Zambia to share the life-changing message of Christ from May 8th through June 2nd.  We will be spending two weeks ministering in schools in the capital city of Lusaka, and one week in the rural mining area known as the Copperbelt.  Our team is scheduled to speak in more than thirty schools with many thousands of young people.  We are confident that God will do great things in these upcoming weeks!

Steven Stockwell sharing the Gospel with Zambian students in 2008
Also, I am very excited to announce that our ministry is in the process of producing a discipleship Bible Study series which we hope to share with people around the world.  In the 1970s, my father, David Stockwell, wrote and compiled an eight-lesson study based on many of the best discipleship programs in the world, entitled Growing Under the Lordship of Christ.  In the following years, more than 200,000 of these studies were given to new believers across the United States who had made the commitment to trust and follow Christ under my father’s preaching.

Since we began the process of editing, modernizing, and globalizing, Zambia will be the first country in which we will be sharing a newly edited version of this Bible Study, though it is still a work in progress.  The working title for this updated study is, Training Camp Manual for Abundant Life.  There are still many things that need to happen before this material can be produced in mass quantity such as funding, adding graphics and illustrations, along with making final edits, but we are truly excited to see what God will do through this study as we present it to new believers around the world.

Please join YES in prayer for God to work mightily in Zambia, and for Him to guide us and provide everything that will be required for this Bible Study to reach as many people as possible. Thanks, and God bless!

In Christ,
Steven Stockwell
Galatians 2:20

P.S. If you would like a working copy of the Training Camp Manual for Abundant Life, please email me at

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